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Home Posts tagged "machine learning"
Why Has Machine Learning Become So Popular
Have you ever thought about how Uber determines the arrival times of your booked cab? Or do you know how Facebook shows recommended videos on your feed? Well, these are examples of machine learning algorithms at work. That is why it is said to be a problem solver and adds value to the business. The ...
Top 7 Applications Of Machine Learning
Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that lets an application run on algorithms. It can learn and improve its accuracy. It is used in various software applications like internet search engines, voice recognition apps on our phones, etc. While machine learning is a subset of an ...
Machine Learning All You Need To Know
Machine learning is the newest buzzword in the world of technology and is one of the most exciting subcategories of Artificial Intelligence(AI). Once considered a fanciful concept found in science fiction, AI is becoming an everyday reality. Computers are not only replacing manual labor but also inc...